Get 20% Off Your First Meditation Music Order! Discount Code: SAGE20

End User License Agreement


Please read these Terms of Use (Terms) carefully before using this music library. Your access to our music library is conditioned upon your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms of Use. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use this music library.

By using our music library, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of these Terms then you may not access our music library.



  • Thank you for visiting Music of Wisdom. Our music library allows you to access royalty-free meditation music. Each music is the outcome of our composers’ unique abilities and creativity in music. To know more, please visit the official website of Music of Wisdom.
  • Please note that these Terms contain a dispute resolution clause. Except where expressly mentioned, you agree that disputes relating to these Terms or your use of the music library will be governed by this dispute resolution clause. You waive your right to participate in litigation or class-action lawsuit or class-wide arbitration.
  • By accepting these Terms, you affirm that you are 18 years of age or above and are fully competent to enter into this Agreement, and to abide by and comply with these Terms. In case you are below 18 years of age, you can use this music library with the consent of your parents or legal guardian (s).



  • Your use of this music library is subject to your local laws and regulations. We will not be held liable if you contravene any law by accessing this music library.
  • These Terms constitute the entire Agreement between us for the purposes of accessing this music library. At certain places, you may be asked to agree to additional terms and conditions. Where appropriate, those additional terms and conditions are hereby incorporated into these Terms. Where those terms and conditions are inconsistent with these Terms, the additional terms shall control.
  • You may use this music library as long as you comply with these Terms and all the applicable laws.



  • We grant you a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide, and revocable license to use the music available on this music library.
  • You agree that you will use the music in accordance with these Terms.
  • We reserve the right to immediately terminate the license over the music if we find that you are in breach of the Terms.
  • This license grants rights to only one person, or to one business entity. If you purchase the music on behalf of a third-party, you hereby represent and warrant that: (i) you are authorized to act as an agent on behalf of the licensee and you have full power and authority to bind the licensee to these Terms; and (ii) if the licensee subsequently disputes such power or authority, you will be liable for any failure of the licensee to comply with the terms of this music license.



  • We offer you royalty-free music. You can use this royalty-free music in accordance with these Terms.
  • Royalty free means that once your initial payment is received, you will not have to pay any ongoing fees of any type irrespective of whether you make a profit from your product which incorporates our music.





  • You can use our music only for the following purposes. If you use the music for any other purpose, you will be breaching these Terms. If you want to use the music for any reason not mentioned on this list, please contact us at:
  • You may extend and shorten our music in the audio and video production of your project.
  • You may add sound effects, frequencies, binaural & isochronic beats, nature sounds, and the like to our music as part of your audio and video production.


Guided Meditation & Spoken-Word Recordings

  • You may use the music as a backing track to any kind of guided meditation and spoken-word recording, including positive affirmation, yoga nidra, and hypnosis for personal consultations, hypnotherapy, and other similar uses. For audio-guided meditations, at least 1/3rd of the recording should include voice-over or speech. For example, if the total duration of the music you use is 9 minutes, you need to cover at least 3 minutes of the music with your voice-over recording. This 1/3rd rule applies specifically to audio-only projects, while for video content, the inclusion of voiceover is optional, allowing for flexibility in background or ambient use. In other words, you need to add substantial creativity to your product which includes our music. You simply cannot resell our music without adding voice-over or other creative content.
  • You may sell and monetize your recording incorporating our music both online and offline, stream it on Spotify and on mediation apps such as Insight Timer.
  • If you use our music without adding any voice-over, you might be held liable for copyright infringement.
  • You have the right to set the price for any product that you create using our music. You may also monetize the products (including videos) using our music by placing ads or by adding affiliate links.


YouTube & Other Video Streaming Platforms

  • You can use our music as a backing track for YouTube videos and other online video hosting services.
  • You are permitted to monetize your videos.


Meditation & Yoga Classes

  • You are permitted to use our music in online and offline meditation and yoga classes. This is subject to a limit of one license per location if a studio licenses our music and one license per person if an individual yoga teacher licenses it.



  • You are permitted to use our music as a backing track for your podcast provided at least 1/3rd of the music includes a voice-over.
  • You may use our music as intro and outro for your podcast, but you are not allowed to build an entire podcast just from the music without adding voice-over.


Films & Multimedia Projects 

  • You may use our music as background music for various purposes such as films, presentations, audio-visual works, emerging technology projects (multimedia projects), and others.
  • You may sell and monetize your video and multimedia projects which incorporates our music both online and offline.


Public Places

  • You are allowed to use our music at commercial settings such as cafes, spas, hotels, restaurants, on-hold music, and others. This is subject to one location per license.


Online and Offline Courses

  • You may use our music for audio and video production of an online or offline course and sell it provided you add substantial voice-over. However, you are prohibited from selling our music along with a course. Please refer to the next section regarding prohibitions and restrictions on the use of our music for online and offline courses.


Software Applications

  • You may use our music in the background of a software app for any device provided you add voice-over to at least 1/3rd of the music.


  • If you wish to use our music for playing it 'as it is' (i.e without adding voice-over) in the background of a software app, you need to seek additional licence (which comes with an extra fee). Please write to us at to discuss the terms and conditions of the additional license.


Radio and TV Broadcast

  • You are allowed to use our music for radio and TV broadcast after seeking our permission or a license. Please write to us at: if you wish to seek permission or a license to use our music for radio and/or TV broadcast.



Your use of our music is subject to the following prohibitions and restrictions:


Selling, Streaming & Distributing

  • You cannot sell and monetize, stream or distribute the music as an ‘audio only’ product such as by making CDs or by online streaming. However, you may create your own product (such as guided meditation, YouTube videos, etc.) using our music, and sell / monetize it.


Subliminal Recordings

  • You cannot use our music to create subliminal recording or those recordings in which your sound is inaudible. If you intend to use our music in audio format, you must be audible. If you have questions whether you could use the music for subliminal recordings, please write to us at:


Adaptation & Derivative Works

  • You cannot create an adaptation or a derivative work based on our music. In other words, you cannot sell or credit yourself as the composer of our music simply because you have altered it or changed it slightly.
  • You are permitted to add sound effects, frequencies, binaural & isochronic beats, and nature sounds as part of your own production such as creating guided meditations, YouTube videos, etc.


Title of Production 

  • You cannot use the title of our music or of our brand as the title of your media production that includes the music. This could give rise to false association, trade mark infringement, and impersonation.


Online and Offline Courses

  • You cannot resell our music by simply including it in your online and offline courses. In other words, you cannot simply purchase music from our library, package or bundle it, and resell it along with your course.


  • You must credit us whenever you use our music. If due to some reasons, you are unable to credit us, please contact us at: We will try to accommodate your request to the best extent possible.
  • In general, you must credit us by using our brand name 'Music of Wisdom' and by linking it to our music library website:
  • You may credit us in the following ways. These are only examples and you may credit us in whatever way you deem fit.


YouTube & Other Video Streaming Platforms

  • Please credit us somewhere in the description. You may use the following line: '[Title of Music] composed by Music of Wisdom - Licensed from'


Social Media

  • If you use our music on social media, if possible credit us in the description. You may use the following credit '[Title of Music] composed by Music Of Wisdom - Licensed from: ''.
  • Alternatively, you can simply tag Music Of Wisdom as follows:


Facebook: @musicofwisdom

Instagram: @music_of_wisdom

Tiktok: @musicofwisdom

Linkedin: @musicofwisdom


Insight Timer

  • If you use our music on Insight Timer, please add Music Of Wisdom as a contributor (composer).



  • If you use our music in a CD or DVD, please add a credit on the back cover. You may use the following line: '[Title of Music] composed by Music Of Wisdom - Licensed from'


Digital Download / MP3

  • If you use our music for digital downloads, simply add a meta tag for the composer: 'Music Of Wisdom'.





  • You agree to undertake best measures to prevent the unauthorized recording, copying, and distribution save as expressly outlined in this Terms. If we get to know that you are directly or indirectly involved in facilitating the unauthorized recording, copying, and distribution of our music, you will be in breach of these Terms. We reserve the right to terminate your license over our music if you are in breach of these Terms.



  • Even though the music available on this music library is available on a royalty-free basis, we still retain copyright ownership over the music. By purchasing the music from us, you only get the right to use the music strictly in accordance with these Terms. If you are unclear about the copyright status of music available on our music library, please contact us at:
  • All content (including software, playlist, and content) contained in this music library is owned by Music of Wisdom (or our affiliates and/or third party licensors, where applicable) except any music or videos available for streaming or unless indicated otherwise. You agree that you cannot use this material without our explicit authorization.
  • You agree not to download, copy, republish or transmit any audio or video content without our prior written authorization.
  • You undertake not to do anything on this website which infringes upon someone else’s copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, and proprietary information without their written authorization. We reserve the right to remove any infringing material posted by you if we are notified of any infringement by the intellectual property owner or their legal agent or representative.
  • Music of Wisdom®, the Music of Wisdom logo, and all other Music of Wisdom's product or service marks are our trademarks. All intellectual property, trademarks, logos, images, music playlist or catalogue displayed or referred to on this website belongs to Music of Wisdom. You are prohibited from using, altering, removing or copying such material including Music of Wisdom's logo, brand, or service mark.



You and your publisher are prohibited from applying services such as 'Sync Licensing' or 'Content ID Matching' if you publish an audio recording that incorporates our music.




Product Disclaimer

We do not take any guarantee that the music will be free of any defects or will fulfil its intended purpose.


Medical Disclaimer

  • We provide meditation and therapeutic music. We are not a health care or medical device provider. Our music is not a substitute for medical advise. Please talk to your physician or health care provider if you suffer from any illness or physical ailments.
  • If you suffer from existing mental health conditions, you should speak with your health care provider (s) before starting a meditation practice. There have been rare incidents where the condition of people suffering from certain psychiatric problems like anxiety and depression has aggravated due to an intensive meditation practice.
  • While there is ample third-party evidence on the therapeutic benefits of music, we will not be held liable if you do not find the music available on our music library healing.
  • We do not claim that our music will cure chronic conditions including but not limited to migraines, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and the like. You should seek appropriate health and medical advice rather than solely relying on the music available on this music library.
  • Any mindfulness, meditation or health related information on this website is provided for your general knowledge. Kindly conduct due-diligence before relying on any information provided by us on this website.



We will not be issuing any refunds if you do not find our music satisfactory. Please be careful while choosing products from our music library.


  • We may provide links to other websites or services for you to access. You agree that any access is at your sole discretion and purely for informational purposes. Neither do we review nor do we endorse those websites or services. We will not be held liable for any breach occurring due to your access of those websites or services including but not limited to: (i) privacy breach (ii) copyright infringement (iii) the quality of content, products advertising, goods or other materials available on those websites or services.
  • We will also not be responsible if there is any damage, loss, or offense caused or alleged to be caused due your access to these third-party websites or services.



  • Under no circumstance shall we or any of our officers, directors and employees, be liable to you for anything arising out of or in any way connected with your use of our music whether such liability is under contract, tort or otherwise.
  • We shall not be liable to you or to any other person or entity for any punitive, special, indirect, consequential, incidental or other similar damages, costs or losses arising out of your use of the music.



You may not transfer and assign your rights (including your right to use our music) and obligations under this Terms to anyone else.  



You agree to indemnify us to the fullest extent possible from and against any and all liabilities, costs, demands, causes of action, damages and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or in any way related to the following:

  • breach of the terms of this Terms;
  • your unauthorized use of the music;
  • your activities after the licensor has notified you that such activities may result in the infringement of the intellectual property rights of any third party;
  • any claim that the music or the use thereof infringes upon, misappropriates or violates any patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secret rights or other proprietary rights of a third party.



If any provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not render these Terms unenforceable or invalid as a whole, and such provisions shall be deleted without affecting the remaining provisions herein.



If there is a delay on our part in exercising our rights under these Terms, such delay will not constitute as a waiver of that right or any other rights under these Terms.



Please read these paragraphs carefully as they require you to resolve any disputes in good faith with us. It also limits your ability to litigate claims in a court or before a jury or to participate in a class action or representative action with respect to a claim.


  • In the event of any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to the use of our music, you will attempt in good faith to negotiate a written resolution of the matter directly between the parties. If the matter remains unresolved for sixty days after notification (via email, certified mail or personal delivery) that a dispute exists, the parties will attempt to resolve the matter via mediation. The parties shall mutually agree to appoint a mediator.
  • The mediator will have the exclusive authority to determine the rights and liabilities of both the parties to the mediation. The dispute will not be consolidated with any other matters or joined with any other cases or parties. The award of the mediator is final and binding upon both the parties.
  • Except as required by law, you agree to waive any constitutional or statutory rights to go to court and have a trial in front of a judge or jury. Rather, both the parties agree to resolve the dispute amicably in good faith.
  • You agree to bring any claims against us only in your individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or consolidated action



  • We reserve the right to immediately terminate this Terms in the following circumstances: (i) if you are in breach of this Terms (ii) if someone uses the music without purchasing additional license.
  • Upon termination, you shall cease using the music and shall delete or destroy all copies of the music. Termination of your rights shall not limit Music of Wisdom from pursuing any other remedies available to it, including, but not limited to, injunctive relief, nor shall termination relieve you of your obligations to pay Music of Wisdom any applicable license fees. You shall be responsible for any damages resulting from any such copyright infringement, including any claims by a third party.



These Terms including any legal notices and disclaimers, constitute the entire Agreement between us in relation to your use of this music library, and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings with respect to the same.



  • These Terms are governed by the laws of California (USA) except to the extent they are pre-empted by federal law.
  • These Terms shall take into account conflict-of-laws principles.



  • These Terms are subject to change at any time without notice. Please review these Terms periodically to make sure that you are aware about the changes. We will not be held responsible if you are not aware about the recent changes to these Terms. The recent changes can be found at the top of this policy. is owned and operated by MUSIC OF WISDOM
For any questions, contact us at