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Shaltazar Message #3 - Judge Less

Regular price $3.33

Track Description

Channeled Shaltazar Audio Message #3, entitled Judge Less.

Learn to trust in the process with Shaltazar's profound insights. Claire Ottewell's soothing voice and Narek Mirzaei's calming music create a supportive environment for your meditation practice.

This guided mediation encourages us to look inside and understand the process as to why judging feelings are coming up. There is always a purpose to our feelings and something to learn from them.

When you are ready we invite you to embark on a spiritual journey with these channeled words. 

Purchase the audio collection now and embark on a journey of spiritual discovery and enlightenment.

Track Length

  • 3 minutes 09 seconds

What is included in the download?

  • MP3 Audio File
  • JPEG of the Oracle Card that accompanies the message
  • Sample of the next message

Audio Format

All the audio files are MP3 format. Please note that these audio files are compressed into zip files to ensure secure and complete download delivery. After downloading, simply double-click the zip file to open it and reveal the MP3 files inside.

License Type

Personal Use License. For more information on terms of use, refer to our licensing agreement.