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Heart Alignment

Regular price $49.00

Track Description

The Heart Center, also named as the Fourth Chakra by Eastern Traditions, is the center for integral balance, awakening love, and connecting with here and now with peace of mind. This Chakra is in the middle between the heavenly and terrene Chakras, so it is the bridge between Heaven and Earth within you. By listening to your heart, you connect both with your inner and outer world from compassion.

Heart Alignment has a steady and slow flow, with a continuous up and down in amplitude that evokes a very, very slow expansion and contraction, calling the heart to beat slower and connect to the present from love and appreciation.

After a few minutes, a soft heartbeat joins the play to help you remember to listen to your heart.

Learn more about the characteristics, instruments, and application of the track here.

Track Length

  • Long version: 70 minutes 12 seconds
  • Short version: 11 minutes 52 seconds

What is included in the download?

We know that most meditation projects require long pieces of music. So for your convenience, each track comes in 2 versions – long and short. They are named accordingly, and you are welcome to use both for your projects.

Audio Format

All the audio files are 192kbps MP3 format. Please note that these audio files are compressed into zip files to ensure secure and complete download delivery. After downloading, simply double-click the zip file to open it and reveal the MP3 files inside.

License Type

Royalty-free license. For more information on terms of use, refer to our licensing agreement. is owned and operated by MUSIC OF WISDOM
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