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Social Anxiety: How to Overcome With Mindfulness

Posted by Narek Mirzaei on

Social anxiety is a challenging condition that can affect every aspect of daily life. It can make it difficult to socialize, engage in public speaking, and even perform everyday tasks such as going to the grocery store. While traditional treatments such as therapy and medication can be effective, there is growing evidence that mindfulness can also be a useful tool in managing social anxiety.

At the core of social anxiety are deeply ingrained negative beliefs and thoughts about oneself and others, often referred to as Schema. These beliefs can be challenging to identify and change, but mindfulness can help individuals become more aware of them and learn to challenge and reframe them in a more positive light.

In this blog post, we will explore how mindfulness can help individuals overcome social anxiety by becoming more aware of their Schema and learning to manage negative thoughts and beliefs. We will also discuss practical techniques for incorporating mindfulness into daily life, as well as the importance of seeking professional help when necessary. With the help of mindfulness, individuals can find greater calm and confidence in social situations and enjoy a more fulfilling life.


Social Anxiety: How to Overcome With Mindfulness

Understanding Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by a persistent fear of social situations or performance situations where one is exposed to possible scrutiny by others. This fear can be so intense that it interferes with daily life, making it difficult to attend social events, work, or even leave the house.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, social anxiety disorder affects approximately 15 million adults in the United States, or about 7% of the population. It typically develops in the teenage years or early adulthood, and is more common in women than men.

Common symptoms of social anxiety include:

  • Intense fear or anxiety in social situations
  • Physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, or blushing
  • Difficulty speaking or communicating effectively
  • Avoidance of social situations or performance situations
  • Fear of being judged, criticized, or humiliated

Social anxiety can be a debilitating condition that affects every aspect of an individual's life. It can lead to social isolation, depression, and other mental health issues. Seeking professional help is important to effectively manage social anxiety and improve quality of life.


What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of bringing non-judgmental awareness to the present moment. It involves paying attention to one's thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations without getting caught up in them. The goal of mindfulness is to increase self-awareness, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

Mindfulness has its roots in Buddhism, but in recent years, it has gained popularity as a secular practice in psychology and other fields. It has been shown to have a variety of benefits, including reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, improving sleep, and enhancing overall emotional regulation.

When it comes to managing social anxiety, mindfulness can be particularly helpful. By bringing attention to the present moment, individuals can learn to identify and manage negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to social anxiety. Mindfulness can also help individuals become more aware of their physical sensations and learn to manage them in social situations, such as by using deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation.

Mindfulness can be practiced in a variety of ways, including through meditation, breathing exercises, or simply paying attention to the present moment throughout the day. It is a skill that can be developed over time with regular practice.

In the next section, we will explore how mindfulness can be used specifically to manage social anxiety, and provide practical techniques for incorporating mindfulness into daily life.


How to Practice Mindfulness for Social Anxiety

Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises are a simple and effective way to manage anxiety in social situations. When we are anxious, our breathing tends to be shallow and rapid, which can exacerbate our feelings of anxiety. By practicing deep breathing exercises, we can slow down our breathing and calm our nervous system. A simple exercise involves inhaling slowly for a count of four, holding the breath for a count of four, exhaling slowly for a count of four, and holding the breath again for a count of four. This exercise can be repeated as many times as needed.

Bringing Attention to the Present Moment

One of the core principles of mindfulness is to bring attention to the present moment, rather than getting caught up in worries about the future or regrets about the past. In social situations, this can involve paying attention to one's surroundings, the people around us, and our own physical sensations. By bringing attention to the present moment, we can become more aware of our thoughts and feelings, and learn to manage them more effectively.

Identifying and Challenging Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts and beliefs are a key component of social anxiety. By practicing mindfulness, individuals can become more aware of these negative thoughts and beliefs, and learn to challenge and reframe them in a more positive light. For example, if someone is feeling anxious about giving a presentation, they may have thoughts like "I'm going to mess up and embarrass myself." Through mindfulness, they can learn to recognize these thoughts and challenge them with more realistic and positive thoughts, such as "I've prepared for this presentation and I can handle it."

Practicing Self-Compassion

Social anxiety can be a challenging and isolating condition, and it is important to practice self-compassion. This means treating oneself with kindness and understanding, rather than being self-critical or judgmental. Mindfulness can help individuals become more aware of their self-talk and learn to replace negative self-talk with more positive and supportive self-talk.

Incorporating mindfulness into daily life can be a powerful tool for managing social anxiety. In the next section, we will explore specific mindfulness techniques that can be used to manage social anxiety.


Mindful Listening & Seeing

In social situations, it can be easy to get caught up in our own thoughts and worries, and not truly listen to others. Mindful listening involves bringing attention to the speaker, noticing their words and body language, and practicing active listening. By practicing mindful listening, individuals can become more engaged in social situations and feel more connected to others.

On the other hand, mindful seeing involves bringing attention to one's visual surroundings in a non-judgmental and curious way. This technique can be helpful for managing social anxiety by shifting the focus away from internal thoughts and worries and onto the present moment. To practice mindful seeing, individuals can take a few moments to really look at their surroundings, noticing colors, shapes, and textures, and paying attention to any sensations or emotions that arise. This technique can be practiced anywhere, such as during a walk outside or while waiting in line, and can help individuals feel more grounded and connected to the present moment.


Mindfulness and Professional Help

While mindfulness techniques can be helpful in managing social anxiety, it's important to seek professional help if symptoms persist or worsen. A mental health professional can provide guidance and support in developing a treatment plan that incorporates mindfulness practices along with other evidence-based treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or medication.

Schema therapy can be particularly effective for social anxiety because it addresses core beliefs and experiences that contribute to social anxiety, such as feelings of inadequacy or fear of rejection. In schema therapy, individuals work with a therapist to identify and challenge negative schemas and develop more adaptive coping strategies.

Mindfulness techniques can be integrated into schema therapy to help individuals develop greater self-awareness and self-compassion, and to help individuals stay present and grounded during challenging situations. By combining mindfulness practices with schema therapy, individuals with social anxiety can develop the skills and support they need to manage symptoms and improve their quality of life.



Mindfulness techniques are a powerful tool for managing social anxiety and improving overall quality of life. While seeking professional help is always recommended, mindfulness practices can help individuals learn to manage negative thoughts and emotions and develop greater self-compassion. By combining mindfulness techniques with professional help, individuals with social anxiety can develop the skills and support they need to manage symptoms and live fulfilling lives. With mindfulness meditation and therapy, individuals can find greater peace and happiness in life.


__Written by Music Of Wisdom team

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