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Royalty Free Meditation Music for Heart Healing & Alignment

Posted by Narek Mirzaei on

The Heart Center, also named as the Fourth Chakra by Eastern Traditions, is the center for integral balance, awakening love, and connecting with here and now with peace of mind. This Chakra is in the middle between the heavenly and terrene Chakras, so it is the bridge between Heaven and Earth within you. By listening to your heart, you connect both with your inner and outer world from compassion.

Beautiful music pieces like Heart Alignment are intended to evoke that balance and loveful state of consciousness. If you’re looking to stimulate such vibes within you or anywhere else, you will love this royalty-free meditation track.


Heart Alignment has a steady and slow flow, with a continuous up and down in amplitude that evokes a very, very slow expansion and contraction, calling the heart to beat slower and connect to the present from love and appreciation.

After a few minutes, a soft heartbeat joins the play to help you remember to listen to your heart.

Instruments & Sounds

Pads. Drones. Soundscapes. Heartbeats.

General Applications

This beautiful royalty-free ambient music is a marvel for the following uses:

  • Savasana and relaxation after the yoga class,
  • Hypnosis and Guided imagery to go deep within, heal hidden wounds and awaken kindness,
  • Yoga and mindful practices in general, especially during Asanas, steady postures, and slow movements,
  • Trataka and contemplative meditations, like looking at a candle, landscape, or mandala.
  • Breathworks and meditations to regulate cardiac activity.

Specific Applications – The Art & Science of Listening to the Heart

The principle of listening to the heart has been present in all spiritual doctrines, as this organ and energetic center is the source of the inner truth. Being aligned to it means being aligned with your spirit and what makes you happy.

The simple act of self-palpation of the pulse is maybe the simplest and most ancient meditation, with great results for reducing stress and restoring communion with the Self. The royalty-free meditation music ‘Heart Alignment’ includes the sound of heartbeats, in harmony with the rest of the sounds, to remember the listener of the importance of listening to the heart.

Eastern therapeutic practices like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine use the millenary art of pulse reading as a diagnostic resource. They palpate or ‘read’ the intensity, depth, and speed of the pulse at different points of the wrists to know every person’s energetic constitution, as well as the functional and morphological state of each one of the 12 main meridians.

Even science validates the power of Heart Alignment, as it confirms heart-rate variability (an index from cardiac activity) as a reference to measure stress levels. It is mainly used in top-performance athletes but can also test stress in overall people, as well as the effectiveness of holistic practices and therapies.

It doesn’t matter if you are focusing your practice on your heart or not. As the heart center or Fourth Chakra is the bridge between your physical body and your mental self, cardiac activity reflects the harmony between all your dimensions: the heart knows and tells everything about you.

This is why we all need to listen to our hearts and intuition and guide others to do the same, so we can live a happy life and build a new world based on love and oneness. One heart, one people, one Earth.

So, include royalty-free music tracks like Heart Alignment in your playlist and guided meditations and let your heart guide your way on!


royalty-free guided meditation music



Music for Heart Alignment



__Written by Music Of Wisdom team

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